Recognition and Normalization of Time Expressions: ITC- irst at TERN 2004

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M.Negri1, Luca Marseglia1.

1ITC - irst, Centro per la Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica, Via Sommarive 18, 38050 Povo (TN), Italy

Abstract. This paper presents the Chronos system developed at ITC-irst to participate in the English Full Task organized within the TERN 2004 evaluation. Chronos extends the capabilities of a rule-based multilingual (English/Italian) Named Entity Recognition System, allowing for the recognition and normalization of temporal expressions within an input text. To this aim, the system is designed to provide the automatic annotation of textual data with the TIMEX2 tag, which includes attributes for expressing the normalized, intended meaning or value of a broad range of temporal expressions.

BibTeX Record:

@article{Developing Multilingual Web-scale Language Technologies
  title = {Recognition and Normalization of Time Expressions: ITC- irst at TERN 2004},
  author = {M.Negri, L.Marseglia},
  journal = {TERN 2004 Techincal report},
  volume = {},
  issue = {},
  pages = {},
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  year = {2004},
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